Tuesday, December 29, 2009


A Grand meeting for this film will be held January 4th from 3:00 pm to 5:30, at The Sandy Library (10100 South Petunia Way (1405 East), Sandy, UT 84092). This meeting is MANDATORY. Again in all caps. MANDATORY. If you are going to be involved with this film you must be there! If you can't Please call me Immediately! and we will work it out. my number is (870-0986).
Please everyone feel free to invite all films and family who are interested in helping out in anyway! We have room for costuming, transportation, fundrasing, make up, design, set, props, and even just people to help with equipment. So we have lots of room for many people to be involved so invite anyone you can who is interested :)
We will be discussing plans for the next few months, putting people in areas they wish to help and having everyone meet the department leaders. Again as I said if you cannot make this meeting please contact me immediately so we can work it out! Thank you so much everyone and get excited!!! God Bless!

Monday, December 28, 2009

It's TIme to Begin

The role of Troceed has finally been determined.

Troceed - Eric Littlewood

I will be working personally with the actors as well as Kate (Kenzi) We will be starting as soon as possible.

A grand MANDATORY meeting to start us off will be held the first week of January. I know I said January 3rd but I looked on the calendar and it's Sunday. So I would like to shoot for January 4th if that's possible for everyone. Please let me know. Get excited!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cast List ~ so far

Hello everyone :) Please forgive me for the wait, I had an important personal event to attend so I didn't get a chance to post it sooner. The last week was pretty busy with auditions and having people come back and read some final things.

As of right now I have roles figured out for everyone except the main role (Troceed). This role hopefully will have an answer in the next few days. Everyone here on the list I need to know exact days and times of conflicts you have as soon as possible. But other than that here is the list so far:

Asing - Cosette Hatch

Varin - Josh Gomez

Chiefs aid/Ceremony Leader - Jonathan M.

The unknown Outsider - John Cave.

Dancers/Ceremony advisers - All the girls :)

Infinisees/ Guardians of the tribe - All Guys :)

Everyone who auditioned will be put in the movie (unless you have a problem with one of them above or want to work on some different aspects of the film, talk to me personally) , and we still have lots of rooms for extra people who want to be in it that didn't get a chance to audition.

There is a big meeting with everyone who is involved with the project that will happen the first week of January. I'm trying to work out the 3rd of January. Let me know if this is possible for you because I am making it a mandatory meeting, and I need to what time to reserve the room for. If you have conflicts with this PLEASE contact me asap and let me know. Again thank you so much for everyone who auditioned. As of now the big meeting is first on schedule then we will work out rehearsals, reading the script, and eventually get to shooting in the spring. Lots of work to be done. And still looking for lots of help behind the scenes as well :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thank you for Auditioning!

Thank you all who came to/helped with the auditions these past two days. It was a both a learning and fun experience for me as I hope it was for you. We had some really great talents and some really hilarious moments as well:) Over the weekend I will be reviewing the Rushes (footage recorded over the day), and from there we will receive our final list. I know I told some of you it would be up by the latest sunday, but because I am going to be reviewing the auditions with some other people for their opinion the list will not go up until this coming mid-week... around Christmas! Again if you are not cast as one of the 3 roles I still need lots of extra acting for some sub-roles, and lots of help behind the scenes as well. So if you are still willing to participate that would be wonderful! Happy Holidays everyone! :) thank you!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Location confirmed for auditions

The auditions for Wednesday Dec. 16 will be held at my mothers house. The address is 8094 S. Beaumont Dr. Sandy 84093. We will be starting at 2:00pm and go on from there. If there is a conflict with this date or time please contact me or makenzi (Kate :D) and let us know and we will work out a time and day with you. (people still in school just show up whenever you can or call to set up a time :)) A Resume doesn't hurt but not required, and again Memorization is not required but encouraged. Thank you all once again and I look forward to seeing you.

1st Auditions. Wednesday Dec 16

Here is some background information on the scenes and characters being covered on this audition if you want the actual slides please contact me through an e-mail and I'll send them to you for wednesday. Good Luck!

Somewhere in the middle of the forest lives a developed culture of beings that have been there since anyone can remember. They are extremely close to one another so this culture is like one gigantic family. This Culture has a coming of age ritual that everyone gathers around for and has a grand ceremony and celebration. A distinct Individual and his best friend have arrived at that age to par-take in the ritual. This story is about that certain one individual who decides not to go through with this ritual, in belief that he is meant for something other than what has already been planned for him. It's a story about friendship, taking that step where you're on your own, and following everything that has ever dwelt in your heart.


TROCEED: pronounced "tro-sid" Troceed is the individual character that decides not to take part in the ritual that goes on. He can be defined as one of the hidden artists. Troceed greatly enjoys what his eyes let him see, he loves the way he see's nature and all other beautiful things. He would be the one who would stop and observe something strange he's seen while walking if he has never seen it before. No body knows what really happened to Troceed's father so he has been raised by his tender mother which he amires. Other than that he has his best friend (Varin) which he has known since he can remember and another friend (Asing) who he knows so well she could be his sister. However he gets a hunch there may be more feelings going on than it may seem. (Looking for deep emotions here guys. Gotta feel it.)

VARIN: Varin is the best friend to Troceed and has a strong relationship with another friend (Asing) Secretly Varin is discovering that he is gaining more feelings for Asing the more he is around her. This is new to him since they have been friends for many years. Varin is the one character in this story who has to make the most decisions out of any other character. He has a lot to live up to including his father, The Head Heron (who is the leader of the entire culture), so he does have his pride within him, Making people happy, trying to respect everyone and basically prove himself. He wants to be impressive to people and to his father. He also can be very flirtatious and sarcastic, and at the same time secretly sensitive and sincere.

ASING: Asing has mostly been around children as she helps her mother look after lots of the little ones while her father is away most of the time. She spends a lot of her time as well with her two best friends (Troceed & Varin). So there is a slight part of her that can be a bit tom-boyish.... in a way. Even though she may hint and pick up the clues about how Varin is starting to feel about her... Asing actually realizes her eye is more on Troceed. But of course she doesn't want to be obvious ;). She believes very strongly about where she is and is a determined person who will do what needs to be done or taken care of.


"1.Open" - This is one of the opening scenes that is introducing the three characters above. Troceed has some sort of trinket that he is focused on and fiddling with. During this scene Troceed and Varin have forgotten to be at the opening ceremony if they weren't later told by Asing who comes running in to remind them.

"2.Conv" - This is the conversation Asing and Varin have about Troceed and what they think from there point of view and where they discover the outcome that Troceed is to be punished by.

"3. Tro. Mon." - This is the monologue Troceed gives to his mother trying to bring everything he believes in to a point. He is trying to get his mother to understand and see his side of things because she is still in awe about refusing the ritual.

"4. End" - This is one of the pivital moments at the end where Varin has become enraged and is certain that Troceed should deserve punishment after what he's done. Varin is so full of frustration, pressure, and rage that he almost can't control it. Everything has driven him mad as he's become obsessed with his rage and wont listen to a thing Troceed tries to say to him. He thinks there is only one way to make things right and its up to him to set things that way. Its the biggest turning point of the ending scenes. (Same thing guys lots of emotion)

These do not need to be memorized, but is encouraged. You do not need to bring another peice to audition with, just the sides that were given to you. You will be in front of a camera filming your audition. Whether or not you make the role we have plenty of room for extras and behind the scenes help if your still interested.
This is no pay but I do plan to try to enter it in a Film Festival later in 2010 so IF it picks up then...who knows :)

Thank you so much again everyone who is participating. Auditions will be Wednesday starting at 2:00pm. It will either be located at the telford ward off of Telford way from Creek Rd. or at my Mothers house which is 8094 S. Beaumont Dr. Sandy 84093. (Either location is just one block away from another so dont worry) If you have any more quesitions about auditions times or anything else you can contact me at Ebz.khalil@gmail.com, my phone 801-870-0986 or visit us on our online blog site for the film at www.bloomingfilm.blogspot.com
Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

First meetings already in progress.

There have been a few meetings now where we have discussed the narrative points of the film as well as pre-production works. To know more about the story or any further question please contact one our main members and they will inform you from there. I will make several other sub-posts of the decisions we have made in the other areas of creating the film. Thanks for tuning in :)

Welcome to our online page

Hey everyone. Welcome to our online information link of the new film we will be shooting Spring 2010. This is a resource to all information that is going on or things that are coming up. Also use this space for comments, posts, other concerns, and to discuss with specific departments withing the project. Thanks for being a part of this :)