Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thank You

Thank you everyone that showed up to the meeting. A lot was given out. Remember, lets keep in contact. You all know how to contact me to get in touch with the following.

Make up - Sterling Tanner
Costumes - Amani Khader
Props/set - Makenzi, but we call her Kate :)
Tech - Zac Bringhurst
Fund Raising - Linsey Judkins
Hair - Linsey Judkins

Make up, costumes, props/set, and hair all fall under the production design link, and tech has its own page to go to for updates. While this remains the home page. So thank you for checking in. This saturday I meet with actors at 11:00am Saturday if you need them.

So the schedule for everything right now is to start designing anything, being on look out for anything that could help in the areas above, and contacting eachother and keep updating in ideas. Again thank you so much and we can still get anyone we can involved :)